Books, Movies & More
Find Your Way
Welcome to the Downey City Library! The building is split up into several sections, each specializing in different needs and housing different collection. Click on the various points on the map below to learn more about each part of the library, or click here to get a full view of the building layout.
Search The Collection
There’s several ways to find what you’re looking for:
Use The Catalog
The online catalog is accessible from your phone, tablet or computer, and contains a variety of tools to help narrow down searches and find what you’re looking for. View The Catalog
Ask Our Staff
Trying to find the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series or maybe remember a book from your childhood? Whatever it is, Library staff can help you find what you’re looking for.
Explore The Collection
Peruse through the various shelves of books at your own leisure. Books are organized alphabetically and numerically to help you search efficiently, or you can simply pick one with an interesting cover
Navigate The Collection
Whether you’re looking for something specific or just browsing to see what catches your eye, the collection at the library is organized to make it as easy as possible to find what you’re looking for. Learn more about how each collection is organized below.
Fiction, Movies and Music
Items are generally organized by:
Collection Initial
(e.g. F for Fiction, M for Mystery, P for Primary, H for Holiday, etc.)
Author’s Last Name
Author’s First Name
For Music: The artist’s/band’s name goes where the author is supposed to go.
For Movies: Movies are organized alphabetically by title (Batman comes before Shrek, etc.)
Books with Multiple Authors: Books that feature multiple authors use the title of the book (e.g. Invisible Planets)
Big Series Books: Books that are about a famous character or use the name of a famous author use the character’s/author’s name instead of the authors (e.g. Batman, Spiderman, Tom Clancy, etc.)
Some collections like Graphic Novels and Manga might have volume numbers as well to help you find what book comes next in a series.
Items are generally organized by:
B (initial to indicate it’s a biography)
Subject’s Last Name
Subject’s First Name
When searching for biographies, look for the person the books is written about, not the author who wrote it. For example, if you’re looking up a biography on Malala, you would look for:
Non-Fiction/Reference books are organized using a numbering class system the Dewey Decimal System. Each number class represents a specific topic/genre of non-fiction works (e.g. 300 for Social Science, 800 for Literature, etc.).
Items are generally organized by:
Dewey Decimal Number
First Three Letters of the Author’s Last Name
Our Test Books use the same system, as do our physical collection of Great Courses discs.
Within each class there exist more subclasses that cover more specific topics within the larger class (such as 530 covering Physics within the larger 500 Science class). Click on each class to see the subclasses that fall under each topic. The classes and subclasses are also attached to the ends of each row of shelves and in-between books to help you navigate the stacks as you search through them.
001 - Knowledge
004 - Data & Computer Systems
005 - Computer Programming, Programs & Data
006 - Computer Applications
020 - Library & Information Sciences
030 - Encyclopedias
060 - Associations, Organizations & Museums
070 - News Media, Journalism & Publishing
080 - Quotations
100 - Philosophy
110 - Metaphysics
120 - Epistemology
130 - Parapsychology & occultism
140 - Philosophical Schools of Thought
150 - Psychology
160 - Logic
170 - Ethics
180 - Ancient, Medieval & Eastern Philosophy
190 Modern Western Philosophy
200 - Religion
210 - Theory of Religion
220 - Bible Studies
230 - Christianity
240 - Christian Practice
250 - Christian Orders
260 - Social & Ecclesiastical Theology
270 - History of Christianity
280 - Christian Denominations
290 - Other Religions
300 - Social Sciences
320 - Political Science
330 - Economics
340 - Law
350 - Administration & Military Science
360 - Social Problems & Services
370 - Education
380 - Commerce, Communication & Transportation
390 - Customs, Etiquette & Folklore
400 - Language
410 - Linguistics
420 - English
430 - German
440 - French
450 - Italian
460 - Spanish
470 - Latin
480 - Greek
490 - Other Languages
500 - Science
510 - Mathematics
520 - Astronomy
530 - Physics
540 - Chemistry
550 - Earth Sciences
560 - Fossils & Prehistoric Life
570 - Biology
580 - Botany
590 - Zoology
600 - Technology
610 - Medicine & Health
620 - Engineering
630 - Agriculture
640 - Home & Family Management
650 - Business
660 - Chemical Engineering
670 - Manufacturing
680 - Manufacture for Specific Uses
690 - Building & Construction
700 - Arts
710 - Landscaping & Area Planning
720 - Architecture
730 - Sculpture, Ceramics & Metalwork
740 - Graphic & Decorative Arts
750 - Painting
760 - Prints & Printmaking
770 - Photography & Computer Art
780 - Music
790 - Sports, Games & Entertainment
800 - Literature, Rhetoric & Criticism
810 - American Literature
820 - English & Old English Literature
830 - German & Related Literature
840 - French & Related Literature
850 - Italian & Related Literature
860 - Spanish & Portuguese Literature
870 - Latin Italic Literature
880 - Classic & Modern Greek Literature
890 - Other Literature
900 - History
910 - Geography & Travel
920 - Biography & Genealogy
930 - Ancient History
940 - European History
950 - Asian History
960 - African History
970 - North American History
980 - South American History
990 - Other History