Government Resources
Federal Depository
What is the Federal Depository Library Program?
The Federal Depository Library Program offers free public access to information produced by Federal agencies. The Downey City Library joined the Federal Depository Library Program in 1963, and in 2010 our depository became accessible in digital form. We are a selective depository for the 34th Congressional District, and our selection rate is 14% of all materials made available through the Federal Depository Library Program.
How can I access these items?
Our digital collection of government documents, can be viewed and accessed here.
To view a list of our tangible government documents click here.
How can I access government documents that you don’t have?
You can search the Federal Depository Library Directory (FDLD) to locate depository libraries throughout the United States. There are two nearby government document depositories: The Norwalk Regional Library and the Los Angeles Public Library. To access documents through them, please contact them directly.
govinfo.gov - A Comprehensive source for U.S. Government Information, govinfo provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.
uiowa.edu - Citation Help for correctly citing government information and other documents in all formats.
usa.gov - USA.gov is your online guide to official U.S. government information, programs and services.
vanderbilt.edu - Resource to Government Information on Public Policy Issues and Groups.
archives.gov The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation's record keeper of all documents and materials created in the course of business conducted by the United States Federal government.
usa.gov - Learn how to get in touch with your federal, state and local elected leaders.
bensguide.gpo.gov - Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids provides learning tools for K-12 students, parents and teachers.
Tax Forms
Federal Forms
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) - Forms, Instructions & Publications
1040 Instructions - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Instructions (2024)
1040 Form - U.S. Individual Income Tax Return Form (2024)
Order Forms - If you’d like to have forms be delivered to you, or call 1-800-829-3676 (1-800-829-3059 for hard of hearing)
If you need to contact your local IRS office visit www.irs.gov (All Taxpayer Assistance Centers (TACs) now operate by appointment).
File Directly with the IRS (en Español) - File your taxes online for free directly with the IRS. What You Need to Know (en Español)
State Forms
California State Tax - Forms & Publications
540 Instructions - California Resident Income Tax Return Instructions (2024)
540 Form - California Resident Income Tax Return Form (2024)
540 2EZ Form - California Resident Income Tax Return Form (2024)
If you need to contact the State of California Franchise Tax Board visit www.ftb.ca.gov