Digital Library
Read & Listen to All Your Favorite Books
Explore epic fantasy worlds, listen to a chilling murder thriller, and read bedtimes stories to your child, all without ever having to leave the comfort of your home. With cloudLibrary, you have access to over 160,000 titles to choose from using your computer, phone, or tablet. Keep a title for up to 21 days without having to worry about returns or paying overdue fines.
Immerse Yourself in a Graphic World
Fight Crime, explore sci-fi worlds, fall in love and scare yourself silly. ComicsPlus gives you access to the best and newest comic, graphic novels and manga with a catalogue that includes over 20,000 digital comics, straight from the comfort of your computer, tablet or mobile device.
Magazines & Newspapers
Become Part of the Informed Community
Discover the next trending story and read thought provoking articles on topics like art, sports, parenting, LGBTQ and much more. PressReader provides you with access to more than 7,000 of the world’s top newspapers and magazines like Newsweek, The Guardian, Vogue, Variety, Rolling Stone and more from all over the world as soon as they hit the shelves. Best of all, you can keep them forever and there are no limits on downloads.
Read Your Favorite Magazines from All Over The World
Explore unlimited magazines and newspapers on different categories like writing, health and photography from all over the world. NewsStand offers over 6,500 magazine and newspaper titles in over 50 languages. Use NewsStand on the desktop or download the cloudLibrary app for use on a mobile device.
Get Access to The Times
Enjoy unlimited articles on countless topics and newsletters, along with early access to new media releases, all with your library card. The New York Times is one of the most respected and trusted sources of news in the country, with over 100 years worth of content and experience in journalism. To get digital access, click on the launch button below and redeem your code.