Adult Programming
Programming Calendar
Click on each program to learn more about it
Program Spotlight
Game Night
Come hang out, play your favorite games, and make new friends. We’ll have classic and new games like Monopoly, Uno, Aggravation, plus puzzles & more for all ages. In addition, we’ll be hosting Jackbox games for adults. You won’t want to miss it!
Children’s Area: Fun for all ages with board games, card games, puzzles & more! ✨🎲
Cormack Room: Adults 18+ can enjoy Jackbox Party Pack 7, plus snacks and drinks! 🍿🕹️
No Registration Required
Super Smash Bros Winter Tournament
Ready to smash? Join us for our first-ever Adult Super Smash Bros Winter Tournament, open to gamers ages 18 and up. Compete in a thrilling bracket-style competition for a chance to win prizes and glory! Spaces are limited, so be sure to sign up early. Spectators are encouraged to bring the hype and cheer for their favorite players. Snacks will be provided, and prizes will be awarded to the top three champions. Prove you’ve got what it takes to be the ultimate Smash Bros champion!
When: January 18th
Where: The Cormack Room
Sign Ups start at 1:30 pm
Tournament starts at 2 pm
Adult Chess Club
Calling all chess enthusiasts! Every other Saturday, the Downey City Library will host the Adult Chess Club, led by local chess enthusiast Salman Mogaddedi! Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned player, come sharpen your skills, learn new strategies, and enjoy friendly competition. This is the perfect chance to challenge yourself, meet fellow chess lovers, and have fun!
When: Every other Saturday, 11am - 1pm
Where: Cormack Room
For ages 18+
Registration is required in-person or by phone (562) 904-7360.
Check the calendar for the next upcoming sessions
Book Lover’s Club
Bring your lunch and join us in the Cormack Room for a discussion on a new book every month. New members are always welcomed and there is no cost to join.
Check out our calendar for more details about when the next discussion will take place and what books we’ll be going over.
Light refreshments will be served.
Registration is not required.
Club De Lectura
¡La biblioteca de la ciudad de Downey te invita a ser parte de nuestra discusión de el Club De Lectura en Español! Este programa es para lectores de 18 años en adelante y personas que hablen y lean en español.
Tendremos aperitivos y juntos crearemos un ambiente cómodo para discutir los temas que el libro nos ofrece. Siéntete libre de invitar a un amigo, familiar, vecino o conocido. ¡Será una entretenida conversación!
Consulte nuestro calendario para obtener más detalles sobre cuándo tendremos nuestra próxima discusión y qué libros repasaremos.
Theater Thursdays
Do you love watching movies and sharing your opinions? Then Theater Thursdays is waiting for you! Watch classics, discover new movies, and hang out with friends in the Cormack Room the last Thursday of each month for the Adult showing at 6pm.
Check out our calendar to see what movie’s we’ll be showing each month.
Reading Resources
Adult Communications Class
Whether it’s for career development, personal goals, or for fun, the library’s literacy programs helps English speaking adults improve their reading skills, think critically and provides individuals who want to give back to the community the ability to develop their mentoring skills through volunteer tutoring services.
Classes are given weekly. Check our calendar for the next date and ask the front desk for more details, or call the front desk at (562) 904-7366
Host A Club
Whether it’s discussing books, arguing sports, practicing yoga, playing video games, exchanging gardening techniques, or running Dungeons & Dragons campaigns, the Downey City Library is open for all community members who want an open and safe space to start a club.
If you’re interested in starting a group at the library, fill out the form and let us know what type of club you’d like to start at the library.